Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Looking for Opportunities

Have you ever found yourself wishing, hoping, and wanting more opportunities in your life?  Have you every wished you had more money, more free time, less stress, better relationships, more travel, less travel, less worry or just something else?
Here is a great revelation for you.....YOU CAN!!!

I believe that each and every moment of our lives is an opportunity to create those wishes, hopes and wants.  I think for far too many wishing, hoping and wanting have replaced doing, making and getting.  Too many spend too much time "dreaming" about what their new life will be yet never take the steps to create it.

I have often been asked, "How did you get so lucky in your life?"  After all, you have a great marriage, beautiful children, a new book coming out and a growing business.  "How did you get so lucky?"

My response is always the same grace and HARD WORK.  Life is not free.  Blessings are not free. Success is not free.  Dreams coming true is not free.  We have to work for what we want.  We have to set our course, take the steps to make it happen and get it done.  No one has a better life, a bigger car, more things, a better relationship or a happier life because "they were lucky."  They have those things because of their own grace and because they worked for it each and every day.

So, here is my question for you....what are you working toward today?  What action steps are you taking?  How are you making your dreams come true?

Here is what I know for sure.  This time tomorrow is going to come.  This time next week and this time next year will happen.  The question becomes, how will your life be richer, better, more fulfilled, and happier?  What steps will you take today that will result in a bigger and better tomorrow?

Feel free to visit my web site at www.cathytooley.com for more information.

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